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Adobe vydal Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 Release Candidate a Camera Raw 6.5 RC

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 Release Candidate
S foto novinkami se nám tak trochu roztrhl tento týden pytel, ale když už jsme nedávno psali o chystané verzi 5.2.3 programu Bibble, je slušné zmínit se i o hlavní konkurenci. Adobe spolu s Camera RAW 6.5 RC vydal nyní RC svého nástroje Lightroom 3.5…

Verze 3.5 přináší podporu několika nových foťáků, mimo jiné Fuji FinePix F600EXR, Olympus (E-P3, E-PL3, E-PM1), Panasonic (DMC-G3, DMC-GF3) a Sony (NEX-C3, SLT-A35), plus nějaké ty středoformáty od Phase One. Je zde řada nových profilů objektivů, většina se týká Hasselbladu, ale došlo i na několik skel pro Canon (EF 14mm f/2.8 L USM, SIGMA APO 120-300mm F2.8 EX DG OS HSM), Nikon (Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED, 24mm f/1.4G ED, 35mm f/1.4G ED, 50mm f/1.8G, SIGMA APO 120-300mm F2.8 EX DG OS HSM) a také novou portrétní Sigmu 85mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM v provedení pro Pentax, Sigmu a Sony. Tamron zastupují skla 18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II PZD B008S a 70-300mm F/4-5.6 Di USD A005S pro Sony/Minolta bajonet.

Opravené chyby zastupuje několik otravností v řadě oblastí, seznam nebudeme tentokrát překládat. Jedno z hlavních sdělení, které jistě potěší, je celkově vyšší rychlost v Develop režimu.

  • Using the arrow keys to modify image adjustment settings lacked responsiveness.
  • A Publish Collection targeting a hard drive on Windows would not behave properly if the designated folder was deleted from hard drive.
  • After editing the capture time in Lightroom, "Date Time Digitized" was incorrectly changed. (Only "Date Time Original" should be modified).
  • On Windows computers, Lightroom would interpret the wrong time zone per the Photoshop.com feedback post.
  • Changing Lightroom's date created field to a date prior to 1933 resulted in unexpected values.
  • Lightroom 3.2 introduced preview cache inefficiencies.
  • GPS Altitude metadata was incorrectly excluded from files converted to DNG or exported as DNG files from Lightroom 3.4.1.
  • For non-English language operating systems, folder names in the import dialog may not have been translating properly.
  • When exporting images with the "Write Keywords as Lightroom Hierarchy" enabled, keywords with "Include on Export" deselected would still have been included on export.
  • Saving metadata to a JPEG file in Lightroom 3.4 could have caused Lightroom to quit unexpectedly.
  • A Publish Collection in Lightroom 3.4 set to publish original files would fail to include XMP files for proprietary raw formats.
  • RECONYX images did not open properly in Lightroom 3.4.
  • When applying automatic lens profile correction, Lightroom 3.4 did not automatically recognize the following lens: "Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 24mm f/1.4G ED".
  • Using the plus or minus key to increment Develop Module parameters did not work properly on the Mac.
  • The Limit File Size export option was incorrectly including EXIF metadata on export when the Minimize Embedded Metadata option was selected.
  • On Mac OS X 10.7, the Lightroom import dialog did not properly display network volumes.
  • On Windows computers, using Shift + Scroll wheel to adjust the Adjustment Brush feather size, the expected result of the scroll wheel movement was reversed per the following Photoshop.com feedback post.
  • Lightroom would not provide the correct error message when attempting to delete photos published to Facebook.
  • Lightroom would experience tether capture failures on computers utilizing OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.
  • Develop load time performance was inconsistent.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 Release Candidate

Lightroom 3.5 Release Candidate můžete stahovat přímo od Adobe, platnost této testovací verze je omezena do 31. října tohoto roku. Majitelé stávajícího Lightroomu pochopitelně budou mít upgrade zdarma.

Stejné novinky co do podporovaných těl a skel se týkají i ACR 6.5 RC, seznam oprav je logicky o něco menší:

  • GPS Altitude metadata was incorrectly excluded from files converted to DNG or exported as DNG files from Lightroom 3.4.1.
  • When utilizing the Canon sRaw setting in a 5D Mk II camera with the white balance set to daylight a magenta cast could have appeared on the image.
  • RECONYX images did not open properly in Camera Raw 6.4.
  • When Camera Raw 6.4 or the DNG Converter 6.4 converted a raw file with a sidecar that includes GPS in the EXIF namespace (but no real GPS EXIF in the raw file) to DNG or another format (ex: JPEG), the Date Component of the GPS TimeStamp was lost.

Stahujte přímo od Adobe.


David "David Ježek" Ježek

Bývalý zdejší redaktor (2005-2017), nyní diskusní rejpal.

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Diskuse ke článku Adobe vydal Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 Release Candidate a Camera Raw 6.5 RC

Středa, 24 Srpen 2011 - 11:08 | David Ježek | však už no-X vaří klávesnici :-)
Středa, 24 Srpen 2011 - 11:03 | Pety | Taky se nám dnes rozthl pytel s novou technikou...

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